Project news

The making of Make it Open

On 6 and 7 October, the Bloomfield Science Museum of Jerusalem, hosted online the Make it Open kick-off workshop. The gathering marked the launch of project and was a chance for all partners to get to know each other.

The two day event stated with the sessions:

  • “Make as a transformative way for education” with Paulo Blikstein, Transformative Learning Technologies Lab – Columbia University;
  • “The collage way: where making meets the self” with Hanoch Piven, Illustrator and Educator and
  • “Education under epidemics: a shift in the learning culture?” with Małgorzata Łukianow, Copernicus Science Centre.

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The workshop also included sections for each of the project group of related tasks. Make it Open project is made of 7 work packages:

  1. WP1 will use service design tools and approaches to identify and formulate a set of user-centered templates for open schooling
  2. WP2 will co-create learning scenarios with teachers to perform open schooling in practice
  3. WP3 will build the Open Schooling navigator: an interactive online platform to support schools in their open schooling journey with routes, materials, resources and reflection
  4. WP4 will set up 10 Open Schooling hubs to support schools in transforming into innovative learning communities
  5. WP5 will assess the implementation of its methodology to provide recommendations and data for an effective scaling
  6. WP6 will develop an effective communication strategy to communicate and disseminate the outputs of the project and scale up the open schooling concept
  7. WP7 coordinates the project and encompasses all the legal financial, administrative aspects of the project